Churches must evaluate the entrapment barriers they create and perpetuate that keep victims entrapped in abuse — Andrea Aleksandrova

Victims usually stay with abusers because they face entrapment barriers that prevent them from leaving. "Churches must evaluate the entrapment barriers they create and perpetuate that keep victims entrapped in abuse," says Andrea Aleksandrova in her superb article Becoming A Safe Church: How churches can become safe spaces for victims of domestic abuse. I am… Continue reading Churches must evaluate the entrapment barriers they create and perpetuate that keep victims entrapped in abuse — Andrea Aleksandrova

The story of Medusa illustrates the stigmatisation and isolation of victims

Medusa was actually quite a beautiful woman before she was sexually assaulted by a male god. The sexual assault transformed her into a grotesque monster-like creature who had to live in total isolation. People only visited her to try to kill her, as some sort of quest or act of heroism. They were afraid of… Continue reading The story of Medusa illustrates the stigmatisation and isolation of victims

Is the Great Sex Rescue’s research peer reviewed? Let’s have an in-depth discussion.

Andrea Aleksandrova expresses concerns about Sheila Wray Gregoire's "Great Sex Rescue" research. Last week after Patrick Miller had expressed doubts about Sheila's research, Sheila challenged Patrick on Twitter. Patrick ended up apologising to Sheila. Andrea calls for an in-depth discussion about the claims Sheila is making. She also expresses concerns about how justice-loving people are responding.

Left and Right Brains — the delusion and pride of left-brain dominated thinking

This post from James started out as private correspondence (which I, Barb, was privy to) between James and a mutual friend of ours. It focussed on "Power corrupts", what gets corrupted and how. When politicians and pastors exercise extreme control, they use their authority to mislead, coerce, micro-manage and oppress people. In this post, James… Continue reading Left and Right Brains — the delusion and pride of left-brain dominated thinking

Dignity compared to Pride; Forgive and Remember – by Jane Bartelmes

Is Your Dignity at Stake, or Just Your Pride? Forgive and Remember. To read these two excellent articles by Jane Bartelmes, click here [Internet Archive link]. Jane is the author of My Path from Doormat To Dignity, a book which I (Barb Roberts) am going to read. Jane's website is Doormat to Dignity [Internet Archive… Continue reading Dignity compared to Pride; Forgive and Remember – by Jane Bartelmes

The Bible verse that supports victims of domestic abuse – John Sandeman, Eternity News

The book of Malachi, tucked away at the end of the Old Testament, contains a gem of a verse (sentence) that gives the lie to the idea that people should not divorce but endure abuse in marriage. Abuse campaigner Barbara Roberts has released an academic paper on this verse – and Eternity News thinks her… Continue reading The Bible verse that supports victims of domestic abuse – John Sandeman, Eternity News