Another person testifies that Jeff Crippen manipulated and controlled his congregants.

Another person who attended Jeff Crippen's church has testified1 that he manipulated and controlled people. Here is this person's testimony:  I too attended Jeff Crippen’s church for several years. I agree with what Sister has stated. He was a former police officer. I thought this may have been where he learned some techniques to manipulate… Continue reading Another person testifies that Jeff Crippen manipulated and controlled his congregants.

Barbara Roberts shares her personal experience of domestic abuse and how she identified biblical grounds for divorce for abuse.

  I've just found an audio interview I gave in 2011. I have never shared this interview at this blog before. That illustrates how muddle-headed I can sometimes be. Too many balls in the air…I lose track. And over the years, moving from a Microsoft computer, to an Apple laptop, to a newer model Apple… Continue reading Barbara Roberts shares her personal experience of domestic abuse and how she identified biblical grounds for divorce for abuse.

King David turned a blind eye to Tamar’s rape. Absalom told her to suck it up.

When Tamar was raped, David took no action. When Dinah was raped, Jacob took no action. Both men reaped terrible consequences for their passivity. So-called Christian men who turn a blind eye to the epidemic of men abusing women will reap terrible consequences for their passivity.

Is the Great Sex Rescue’s research peer reviewed? Let’s have an in-depth discussion.

Andrea Aleksandrova expresses concerns about Sheila Wray Gregoire's "Great Sex Rescue" research. Last week after Patrick Miller had expressed doubts about Sheila's research, Sheila challenged Patrick on Twitter. Patrick ended up apologising to Sheila. Andrea calls for an in-depth discussion about the claims Sheila is making. She also expresses concerns about how justice-loving people are responding.

Tillamook testimony concerning Jeff Crippen

Tillamook Speaks presents witness / survivor testimony from someone who used to belong to Jeff Crippen's church in Tillamook. It is published by Sister, who is a regular commenter here. The Tillamook survivor, "Chris" (a pseudonym), contacted Sister and myself. Sister and I know Chris's real name but at Chris's request we are not disclosing… Continue reading Tillamook testimony concerning Jeff Crippen

Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn, Feign, Flirt – ways recipients of abuse may respond to their abusers – Gary Pfeifer

“Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn, Feign, Flirt” — these are some of the ways recipients of abuse might respond to their abusers. In his post Separation from my body to escape suffering, Gary Pfeifer talks about this. If any readers think that recipients of abuse are silly or stupid for responding to abuse by fawning, feigning… Continue reading Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn, Feign, Flirt – ways recipients of abuse may respond to their abusers – Gary Pfeifer