Churches must evaluate the entrapment barriers they create and perpetuate that keep victims entrapped in abuse — Andrea Aleksandrova

Victims usually stay with abusers because they face entrapment barriers that prevent them from leaving. "Churches must evaluate the entrapment barriers they create and perpetuate that keep victims entrapped in abuse," says Andrea Aleksandrova in her superb article Becoming A Safe Church: How churches can become safe spaces for victims of domestic abuse. I am… Continue reading Churches must evaluate the entrapment barriers they create and perpetuate that keep victims entrapped in abuse — Andrea Aleksandrova

Building communities in which survivors of abuse can feel safe and be treated with dignity

Archibald McIndoe was a plastic surgeon during WWII who reconstructed the burned faces and hands of many RAF airmen. By his advocacy, he turned a small English town into a community that helped the disfigured airmen feel comfortable reintegrating into society. The town became known as "the town that did not stare". Trigger Warning —… Continue reading Building communities in which survivors of abuse can feel safe and be treated with dignity

VictimFocus — Dr Jessica Taylor’s website

Dr Jessica Taylor is a professional psychologist who specialises in violence against women and girls (VAWG). She founded VictimFocus to educate, help and inform people so we can end victim-blaming all over the world. I recommend her blog. Here are three of her blog posts to whet your appetite. Why grooming is so hard to… Continue reading VictimFocus — Dr Jessica Taylor’s website

Josephine Butler – a nineteenth century Christian who advocated for the oppressed and outcast

There is a weak and prostrate figure lying at our door. Her hands are on the threshold, flung forward in mute appeal. On one side of the door are the powers of hell. On the other side, in their safe dwelling place, the selfish sleepers to whom the pale cold hands appeal in vain.

The neglect of intimate partner abuse in the advocacy community (Butler series)

Why would I keep writing about Josh Butler and Beautiful Union when most people who were talking about it have moved on? I will keep writing on Butler because I believe that Butler's thesis greatly enables men who abuse their long-term female intimate partners, and this fact has not been sufficiently attended to yet by… Continue reading The neglect of intimate partner abuse in the advocacy community (Butler series)