Barbara Roberts shares her personal experience of domestic abuse and how she identified biblical grounds for divorce for abuse.

  I've just found an audio interview I gave in 2011. I have never shared this interview at this blog before. That illustrates how muddle-headed I can sometimes be. Too many balls in the air…I lose track. And over the years, moving from a Microsoft computer, to an Apple laptop, to a newer model Apple… Continue reading Barbara Roberts shares her personal experience of domestic abuse and how she identified biblical grounds for divorce for abuse.

The story of Medusa illustrates the stigmatisation and isolation of victims

Medusa was actually quite a beautiful woman before she was sexually assaulted by a male god. The sexual assault transformed her into a grotesque monster-like creature who had to live in total isolation. People only visited her to try to kill her, as some sort of quest or act of heroism. They were afraid of… Continue reading The story of Medusa illustrates the stigmatisation and isolation of victims

Stockholm Syndrome: isolation, perceived acts of kindness, perceived life threat, perceived inablity to escape.

The so-called Stockholm Syndrome explains why people stay in abusive situations, why people cannot see the evidence that it is an abusive situation, and why victims of abuse can remain irrationally loyal to the abuser. In this article, I have loosely transcribed Meredith Miller's explanation and added a few clarifying words of my own. Meredith… Continue reading Stockholm Syndrome: isolation, perceived acts of kindness, perceived life threat, perceived inablity to escape.

Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn, Feign, Flirt – ways recipients of abuse may respond to their abusers – Gary Pfeifer

“Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn, Feign, Flirt” — these are some of the ways recipients of abuse might respond to their abusers. In his post Separation from my body to escape suffering, Gary Pfeifer talks about this. If any readers think that recipients of abuse are silly or stupid for responding to abuse by fawning, feigning… Continue reading Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn, Feign, Flirt – ways recipients of abuse may respond to their abusers – Gary Pfeifer

Attacked from the inside – Intimate Partner Sexual Violence

It's estimated that almost one in 10 Australian women has experienced sexual violence at the hands of the person she’s meant to trust most – her intimate partner. The crime scene may be her own home, her own bed. Intimate Partner Sexual Violence (IPSV) is little understood, with insidious consequences for the women exposed to… Continue reading Attacked from the inside – Intimate Partner Sexual Violence

A dog’s experience of domestic abuse

Jenny's Story: Observations of Life from a Three Year Old 'Sheltie' Jenny's story was written by 'Kathryn', who uses a pseudonym because her X gets in stalking mode when the mood strikes him. Kathryn’s blog is Escaping the ‘trap’ of domestic violence. [Re-blogged with Kathryn's permission.] Possible trigger warning for those who have witnessed animal abuse—but… Continue reading A dog’s experience of domestic abuse