Violence against women and mental health

a) Male abuse and violence against women b) Mental health and mental illness These are big topics which intersect in complex ways. Violence against women and mental health is a research paper that examines the way that mental health intersects with trauma, complex trauma, disability, coercive control, access to justice and parenting. The paper is… Continue reading Violence against women and mental health

Why men abuse women and what makes them stop – by Barry Goldstein

Courts Must Learn Basics about Domestic Violence Four decades after domestic violence first became a public issue [in the USA] our courts still don’t understand the causes and effective responses to domestic violence. Attempting to resolve DV cases without fundamental DV knowledge is like sending children to unregulated daycare; we keep seeing avoidable tragedies in… Continue reading Why men abuse women and what makes them stop – by Barry Goldstein

For professionals who work in Domestic Abuse – (Don Hennessy series part 8)

It is difficult to imagine what it must be like living with a partner who wants to abuse you. (1311) A client [of a counselor or helping professional] who is being abused is different from a non-abused client. She [usually] presents herself in the language of the abuser. She sees herself as inadequate and responsible. We… Continue reading For professionals who work in Domestic Abuse – (Don Hennessy series part 8)

The abuser accuses his allies when they abandon him: case study—Saeed Abedini’s FB rants

Saeed Abedini's recent Facebook rants are typical of the language abusers use when their other tactics of abuse are ceasing to be effective and they believe they have no other way of regaining the upper hand. Have a look at these examples of Saeed Abedini’s Strange Online Behavior which Julie Anne Smith has gathered together and commented on at… Continue reading The abuser accuses his allies when they abandon him: case study—Saeed Abedini’s FB rants

Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men — Lundy Bancroft video presentation

As many of you know we highly recommend Lundy Bancroft's seven part series titled "Domestic Violence in Popular Culture" (here is a link to our post that provides a YouTube link to each part). So we were excited when we recently found another YouTube video by Lundy Bancroft that is also excellent.  We have put it on… Continue reading Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men — Lundy Bancroft video presentation

PCA Church Receives Rebuke from Therapist/Life Coach: Get Educated! Part 7 of Persistent Widow’s story

Leaving the problems behind After receiving the church’s final decision letter in the previous post (part 6), although I shouldn't have been, I was stunned. I had still held out hope that the church would reconsider how poorly they had handled this situation, and would uphold discipline. It was now apparent to the child that was… Continue reading PCA Church Receives Rebuke from Therapist/Life Coach: Get Educated! Part 7 of Persistent Widow’s story