How Coercive Control Harms Child Safety and Wellbeing – an interview with Dr Emma Katz

Emma [Katz] is the world’s leading academic expert on how coercive control harms children and mother-child relationships, and how these harms can be overcome. Emma’s approach to coercive control is strongly anti-victim blaming. Her work is based on an understanding that victims and survivors are ordinary people who were unjustly harmed. While recognising the full… Continue reading How Coercive Control Harms Child Safety and Wellbeing – an interview with Dr Emma Katz

Don Hennessy on systemic abuse in Ireland

This post is about social workers and the justice system taking children of protective mothers. While it focuses on Ireland, we can all learn from it because the Irish Republic is not the only country where the system is set up to favour abusers. The Alliance of Birth Mothers Campaigning for Justice (ABC) is an… Continue reading Don Hennessy on systemic abuse in Ireland

Australia’s Family Court is ordering children into unsafe situations

Australia is not the only place where children are being forced to have contact with abusers by the legal system.  Caution: For some readers, some of the linked articles may be triggering. What is the so-called evangelical church doing about any of this? I answer that ^ question at the bottom of this post. I… Continue reading Australia’s Family Court is ordering children into unsafe situations

What is the best way to interact with an abuser when you have to? Shared parenting with an abuser.

This question came in from a reader: The court has ordered me and my ex to do shared parenting. And the judge is telling us that we are both at fault for our issues, that our arguments were concerning to her, and we should be ashamed of ourselves. What is the best way to interact with the… Continue reading What is the best way to interact with an abuser when you have to? Shared parenting with an abuser.

The agony of handing your kids over to an abuser

At the I Will Stand page on Facebook there is a post which all parents who have to hand their kids to abusers will identify with. Why do they have to do this? Because of Family Court Orders. AARGH! Apologies for the double postings today. I know . . . I don't always stick to our… Continue reading The agony of handing your kids over to an abuser

The Truth Behind Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) — part 1

Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) is a theory developed by Richard Gardner, MD, who claimed that PAS is "a disorder of children, arising almost exclusively in child-custody disputes, in which one parent (usually the mother) programs the child to hate the other parent (usually the father)." The theory was developed in 1985 and was based on… Continue reading The Truth Behind Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) — part 1