Proof of Liam Goligher’s illicit sexual activity — police ticket

“The defendant was in the back seat area with a female partner engaging in sexual activity. This area is heavily used for recreation during the day. (Pavilion No. 21 Area)”
— So reads the hand-written police ticket dated 7/22/14 which cites William W Goligher for an offence under Ordinance 98 (Personal Conduct) of the Lancaster City Parks Ordinance, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The offence was committed during the day: the ticket was written by the officer at 14:57 hrs.

A similar ticket (same date, same time) names Susan Elzey as the female with whom Liam Goligher was engaging in sexual activity. View both tickets here: Goligher and Elzey citations for sex [Internet Archive link]. (The file might be a little slow to load.) The link was created by Anglican Watch. In an earlier Anglican Watch post, it says that they were consoling each other in the back seat of Susan Elzey’s SUV. However, on studying the tickets myself, I think that Anglican Watch has misunderstood. The tickets actually say they were engaging in sexual activity in the back seats of Pavilion 21 Area.

Here are screen shots of the parts of the tickets which say the defendants were engaging in sexual activity in the back seat area of Pavilion 21 which is heavily used for recreation during the day.

Thank you, Anglican Watch, for publicising these police tickets! It is morally right that they be easily viewable in public domain.

Liam Goligher has hurt a great many people. He has betrayed his wife. He has hurt the husband of Susan Elzey. He has hurt the people at Tenth Presbyterian Church which he led for years. And he has hurt Christians and abuse survivors around the world who looked up to Liam as a rare example of moral Christian leadership in the desolate landscape of evangelical churches riddled with corruption.

So far, Liam has given no evidence of repentance. The longer he holds out, the harder it will be for him to repent because in holding out he is ever more deeply entrenching and habituating his sinful attitudes, hardening his heart, and stiffening his neck against God.

Here is a quote from Anglican Watch’s post:

As Liam Goligher and Susan Elzey make the rounds with their various fabrications about their rendezvous in Lancaster and how it was (pick one):

  • A set-up.
  • A picnic.
  • A consolation session after Elzey’s son purportedly got in trouble with the law.
  • Something other than a sexual encounter (like maybe an overly loud hymn sing).

But with all of these fabrications, there’s one inconvenient factor: The original citations expressly reference sex.

More on the Susan Elzey / Liam Goligher Debacle — by Anglican Watch, January 20, 2024.

Goligher and Elzey pled guilty and paid the fines for their offences on 22 Aug 2014.

Here is a photo of Liam Goligher and Susan Elzey in a cafe in Haddonfield, a few months after they were ticketed for engaging in sexual activity in a public park and having paid their fines. The photo was shared with a few people on Snapchat in December, 2014. The person who took the photo was not attending Tenth Presbyterian often, and thought the woman in the photo was Goligher’s daughter (and commented to others how cool it was that he took his daughter out to coffee!). Hence the caption over the photo “That’s totally my pastor!

The person who took the photo and the Snapchat users who commented on it in 2014 now realise who the woman in the photo is! They have given me permission to share the photo.


Further Reading

Liam Goligher turns out to be a wolf in shepherd’s clothing — Barbara Roberts, 13 Dec, 2023. This post explains why I feel personally betrayed by Liam Goligher.

Why did Tenth Pres hire GRACE? We have an idea. — Anglican Watch, 28 Jan, 2024.

Tenth Pres needs to discipline Goligher, NOW — Anglican Watch, 16 Jan, 2024.

More fun and games as Tenth Pres runs rogue and ignores PCA polity — Anglican Watch, 7 Jan, 2024.

Tenth Presby Philadelphia running $900k in the hole — Anglican Watch, 6 Dec, 2023.

6 thoughts on “Proof of Liam Goligher’s illicit sexual activity — police ticket”

  1. Barb,

    I’ve read your post, all the links in your post, including those under Further Reading…. 😊

    From your post:

    Liam Goligher has hurt a great many people. He has betrayed his wife. He has hurt the husband of Susan Elzey. He has hurt the people at Tenth Presbyterian Church which he led for years. And he has hurt Christians and abuse survivors around the world who looked up to Liam as a rare example of moral Christian leadership in the desolate landscape of evangelical churches riddled with corruption.

    (The bold was in Barb’s post.)


    And one of the things I appreciate about your post, Barb 😊 ….although I’ve not followed the story of Liam Goliger and Susan Elzey closely — so I might(?), likely(?) — have missed the mentions….few people seem to mention Susan Elzey’s husband.

    1. Mr. Elzey is a real estate broker. He lives and works in Haddonfield, NJ. The Elzey & Son agency upholds a positive reputation. E. G. Elzey & Son

      Before the incident, Mr. Elzey found a home for the Mr. & Mrs. Goligher in Haddonfield, NJ [New Jersey]. The Golighers then moved there from Philadelphia.

      The Elzey and Goligher families enjoyed a close relationship for years.

      1. Ira,

        You wrote (9th February 2024):

        Mr. Elzey is a real estate broker. He lives and works in Haddonfield, NJ [New Jersey]. The Elzey & Son agency upholds a positive reputation.

        (The state name “New Jersey” in brackets was in the original comment.)

        Thank you for the information (and the link) on Mr. Elzey. 😊 I skimmed through his website, and from what I saw and read, I believe what wrote, that he upholds a positive reputation 😊 — maybe that’s why he’s so rarely mentioned in all the stories about Liam Goligher and Susan Elzey. 😊

    1. For readers who do not know what TMZ stands for, here’s a link: TMZ [Internet Archive link]

      Hello, Dresh S. By describing the photo as a ‘paparazzi snapshot’ I think you have mischaracterised the photo and me. The reason I included the photo was because some people (including some at Tenth Presbyterian) are finding it hard to believe that Liam Goligher committed adultery. The photo speaks to the fact that Liam Goligher and Susan Elzey were happily sharing a cuppa in a cafe a few months after they were ticketed for illicit sex. So, folks who do not want to (or can’t bring themselves to) look at the police tickets, can see the photo and maybe then they will be able to face the reality of what it says in those police tickets.

      I have NOT published any other photos of Liam with women, or Liam “living the high life”. I take offence at your suggestive inference that I am doing what paparazzi journalists do.

      1. Barb,

        You wrote (30th January 2024):

        I [Barb] have NOT published any other photos of Liam with women, or Liam “living the high life”. I [Finding Answers] take offence at your [Dresh S.’s] suggestive inference that I [Barb] am doing what paparazzi journalists do.

        (I’ve modified what I quoted in your comment, Barb, using brackets to indicate who the pronoun “I” is referencing 😊, and Dresh S.’s name in brackets to ensure everyone knows I’m not talking about you or me. And the bold was done by me.)

        That. Barb is definitely NOT paparazzi.

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