Jimmy Hinton and Clara Hinton

This is worth wrapping your head around because domestic abusers are similar to pedophiles

Jimmy Hinton

Jimmy is a child protection advocate, a pastor, a husband and a father. In 2011, after learning that his (pastor) father John Wayne Hinton had molested young girls, Jimmy and his mother Clara turned John in to the police. John Hinton is now serving a 30-60 year sentence, and won’t be eligible for parole for 30 years.

Jimmy Hinton’s video series “Child Safety Training”

Jimmy Hinton being interviewed by Mary DeMuth in Nov 2016.
NB: when this interview was done, Jimmy was still working with Church Protect. Jimmy has since resigned from Church Protect and we at ACFJ do not endorse Church Protect because we don’t trust Jon Uhler who is now the sole leader of Church Protect.

#Churchtoo movement about to take off? [Internet Archive link]  — Jimmy Hinton interviewed by CBN

Jimmy Hinton’s website 

Jimmy Hinton on twitter

Clara Hinton

Clara Hinton, Jimmy’s mother, was for decades married to John Wayne Hinton while he was a pastor and at the same time he was sexually abusing children without Clara’s knowledge.

Finding A Healing Place is Clara Hinton’s website. She describes her personal experience of being married to a serial pedophile and the horror of finding out that he had been abusing children for years.

Clara has also suffered the death of an infant son and and adult son and has written a book called  Child Loss: The Heartbreak and the Hope.

Clara Hinton on Twitter

9 thoughts on “Jimmy Hinton and Clara Hinton”

  1. I have followed Jimmy and Jon for quite some time. I knew they no longer work together but I was unaware of any trust issues. I follow Church Protect and Jimmy separately now. I don’t know if it is something you can discuss here but since I follow Jon closely and was going to have him speak at our church I would like to know if I should have any concerns about this.

    1. Hi Spiritually Abused, I actually published this post by accident — I had meant to develop it more before publishing it. But never mind. Maybe it was meant to be!

      A while ago, Marci Preheim published the story of “Jane” [Internet Archive link] (Jane is a pseudonym). Jane was gravely mistreated by The Master’s College after she reported having being drugged and sexually abused. Jon Uhler got quite vociferous on FB, making repeated calls for Jane to go public by naming the man who sexually abused her. BTW, Jane had reported the assault to the police soon after it happened, and the police had investigated but decided not to lay charges.

      Jon received a lot of pushback on FB from abuse survivors and victim-advocates for saying what he said. And the more we pushed back at him, the more intransigent he became. We were defending Jane’s right to not disclose the name of the abuser if she chose not to.

      Jon Uhler revealed himself during that interchange as someone who was not respecting the choices of victims. I know Jon admires John MacArthur (he had told me that himself, in earlier interchanges he and I had had via email and Facetime). IMO Jon may partly have been motivated by his loyalty for John MacArthur…because The Master’s College is part of MacArthur’s Grace To You empire.

      Most if not all of that FB discussion took place on Jon Uhler’s FB page. I saved permalinks to the main posts on his page where it took place, but I just checked and he has obviously removed those posts from his FB page because FB says the content is no longer available.

      If you want more details I am happy to email you a Word document which has screen shots of some of the interchange between Jon and survivors & victim-advocates. Julie Anne Smith (from Spiritual Sounding Board) took those screen shots at the time it was happening.

  2. G.R.A.C.E posted a link to Jimmy Hinton on their Facebook page. The video introduced how perpetrators abuse their victim right in front of other adults.

    The video drew the interest of my elementary age [grandchildren]. I was able to ask them if there were anyone of their parent’s friends, neighbors, family that made them feel uncomfortable. I told them about a neighbor who was too familiar when one of them was younger and [my grandchild] remembered who I was talking about. [My grandchild] then told of another person, a high school girl, who made [my grandchild] nervous. It was a good conversation.

    So thankful for [the] opportunity to have this important conversation. As preschoolers, my [grandchildren] attended group lessons at TwisStars where the owners have been accused of connections to Dr Nasser. Thankfully, they were young and then lost interest. We were spared from great harm, as a family.

      1. My source is in error. I apologize. G.R.A.C.E did not post it on their Facebook page. I received Jimmy Hinton’s blog through email on January 31, 2018. The post is entitled, “Why Sexual Abuse Goes Unnoticed”. Jimmy’s quote:

        The following video is one that forever changes the way I understand pedophiles.

        The video is entitled, “The Art of Misdirection”, by Apollo Robbins.

      2. I just listened to Jimmy Hinton’s video that you referenced, Barbara. I want to learn all I can from his instruction. For the first time, I feel less than totally helpless at spotting a pedophile. I have a lot to unlearn and relearn.

  3. Outstanding. I especially appreciated that Jimmy acknowledged that his journey was Spirit-led. Being in the excruciating position he has been in, and the wisdom with which he and his family have responded, his words ring true. Oh, that all churches would be truly Spirit-led when it comes to confronting abuse. Thank you for sharing this. It gives me hope.

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