Theologians on Grounds for Divorce Digest

Update, December 2023 and February 2024. Liam Goligher has been proven to have been living a double life. Evidence here: Liam Goligher turns out to be a wolf in shepherd’s clothing, Police ticket proving Liam Goligher’s illicit sexual activity. I am not going to be taking any of the posts off this blog in which I’ve featured Liam Goligher’s work. I never scrub posts from my blog because to scrub a post would mean that all the comments which were made on the post would also be scrubbed, so those commenters would be de-voiced. At this blog I always try to prioritise the voices and viewpoints of victims-survivors.

Here are the four posts in my series Theologians on Grounds for Divorce.

1. Thomas Cranmer on divorce for abuse

2. Puritans who said abuse was grounds for divorce

3. David Clyde Jones – A contemporary PCA theologian who said that abuse is grounds for divorce

4. Liam Goligher – a PCA theologian who says abuse is grounds for divorce

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