Changes to the Resources page

For the past several months we have been steadily adding new and excellent material to our Resources page. And while we are always excited to add resources that benefit our readers, as a result our Resources page has become very difficult to wade through.  So... We are happy to announce that we have overhauled the… Continue reading Changes to the Resources page

Words I Choke On (or used to anyway)

Trigger alert. This is an honest look at how I allowed my warped sense of these words and my conceit to control me and keep me in an unsafe marriage. These are all words that stopped me in my tracks: Abused Abuse Domestic Violence Victim Separated Divorce Divorce papers Single mom Ex Child Support -----------------------------… Continue reading Words I Choke On (or used to anyway)

ADD/ADHD and Abuse in Marriage

Recently I was talking to a survivor with adult ADHD, and it started me on a path of researching the difficulties in marriages where one partner has ADD or ADHD. My ex told me that he took Ritalin as a child, and he displayed some of the hallmarks of a person with ADHD. In the… Continue reading ADD/ADHD and Abuse in Marriage

Enabling? Sins of the victim? Tetchy topics indeed!

In my interview with Catherine DeLoach Lewis Part 2, Cathy talked about the term codependency and how the victim may have enabled abuse although the victim is in no way responsible or guilty for the abuse. She also talked about patterns of sin she has observed in clients who are victims-survivors of domestic abuse. I've… Continue reading Enabling? Sins of the victim? Tetchy topics indeed!

Gaining awareness of abusers’ tactics of verbal abuse

As we get educated about abusers and their methods, we learn to spot them in action. One of our readers reports doing just that: A family member is a cranky meanie. Although he's never been outright unkind to me, he is often openly cruel and selfish to his wife. He apparently disliked several of my… Continue reading Gaining awareness of abusers’ tactics of verbal abuse

Review of Leslie Vernick’s “The Emotionally Destructive Marriage”

UPDATE added August 14, 2017, when the ACFJ team consisted of Jeff Crippen, Barbara Roberts and TWBTC: This book has been somewhat helpful for some victims but we have to give caveats about it. It does not state categorically that Scripture condones divorce for domestic abuse. And it says other things which are unhelpful, confusing… Continue reading Review of Leslie Vernick’s “The Emotionally Destructive Marriage”